Orientation and Role Play

We kicked off today at registration check in at the beautiful Grand Hyatt Hotel! In a room full of creative potential and dedicated advocates we started off with orientation and our convenient Blue Book, which is packed with everything we need to advocate to legislators and move forward. The presentation began with Alexis Porter (Sr. Director Marketing for Brand Creative and Communications Life WTR) sharing a moving video from American for the Art's partner, Life WTR, and their new initiative to support and sponsor the arts in schools.

We then heard some important tricks, tips, and tools to help us advocate both here and at home from Jay Dick (Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs). First, it is important to recognize that “You cannot spell bipartisan without art.” The arts are an issue that has loads of bipartisan support and in order to be truly successful it is crucial not to make assumptions about political or issue affiliations. We talked at length about having both factual and anecdotal aspects in your discussion with legislators but most importantly stating why you are there and what actions you would like your legislator to take both at the beginning and at the end of your discussion. Always be ready to explain, follow up with information and thank you’s, be respectful of divergent opinions, and be patient and understanding with legislators and their staff. Always make the best use of their time, whether you are meeting with a legislator or staff member and ensure that you leave a good impression so those interactions will have no negative harm on any potential relationships down the road. All of this was demonstrated beautifully for us by Massachusetts State Senator Stan Rosenberg through a well thought out role play (shown below). This displayed exactly the kind of mannerisms and respect appropriate when lobbying with political affiliates.

Group Role Play: Meeting with Legislators
Photo Credit: Joseph Rohrer
The room is full of positive energy, potential, and determination. There are wonderful things happening here this week. Thank you to Americans for the Arts and all of the political staff we will be meeting with this week! #ArtsAdvocacy #EMU #ArtsManagement&Administration

Authors of this blog: Hannah Burke, Mar Linski
Edited by: Joseph Rohrer
